Hi Gonzalo.

When you use the product in this way, you approach it from the point of view of a heavy user who explores all de product; a hyperactive QA with 24x7 work; or the typical user who has his own flows. Which of the 3 profiles is better? or you can iterate between one profile and another depending on the releases. A pleasure to read your post, greetings from AQP.

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Hi Yvan! thanks for the question.

A couple of comments:

1. The idea is not to tie this practice to releases, that's just doing QA. Think of this as a continuous discovery practice.

2. What I'd recommend is:

- As a PM, act as a typical user and focus on critical flows. No specific cadence for this, if you are already a user of your product use it whenever you need to use it. If not between weekly and monthly should be fine.

- You can also act as heavy user who explores all the product, but I'd do this once per quarter or half. The idea is to come up with a continuous improvement backlog regarding UX/UI outside of core user flows or even ideas on which features to sunset.

- I'd encourage the whole team to dogfood from designers to engineers and adjacent departments.

Hope this helps!

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Thanks a lot Gonzalo!

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